Notes to myself / Kendime notlar

You attract whatever you fear, feel and think

We are all born superstars, you just have to pull it out of yourself

Visualize clearly, precisely, and frequently and it will manifest itself into reality

Visualization works if you work hard

Decide what will be, who you will be and how you are going to do it

As you think, so shall you become

Don’t allow your thoughts to be on anything that you do not want

Like attracts like

If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand

Laugh every chance you get


Kendime notlar

Korktugun, hissettigin, dusundugun herseyi kendine dogru cekersin

Hepimiz super yildizlar olarak dunyaya geldik, senin de kendini oldugu yerden cekip cikarman gerekli

Net, tam ve siklikla gozunun onune getir ki o da kendini gercege donusturebilsin

Gozunun onune getirme gercekten ise yarar, eger iyi caba harcarsan

Ne olacagini, kim olacagini, ve nasil olacagina sen karar ver

Dusundukce oyle olacaksin

Istemedigin bir konuda kendi dusuncelerine izin verme

Begeni begeniyi ceker

Eger zihninde gorebiliyorsan, elinde tutabilirsin

Buldugun her firsatta gul.