Some of my projects that I lead on behalf of the IB organization:

- Samara RUSSIAN FEDERATION– IB Diploma Programme verification /authorisation process of SAMARA International School (April -May 2017)
- Kocaeli TURKEY – IB Diploma Programme verification/authorisation process of Kocaeli Bahcesehir College – (March-April 2017)
- Dubai UAE – IB Diploma Programme verification/authorisation process of Nord Anglia School Dubai – (January 2017)
- Florence ITALY – Leading Category 1 – IB Diploma Administrators worskhop (October 2016)
- Medan (Sumatra) INDONESIA – IB Diploma Programme consultation process of Medan Independent School (January 2016)
- Jakarta INDONESIA – Leading category 1 DP Coordinators workshop (October 2015)
- Shenzen CHINA– leading the IB Diploma Programme verification/authorisation process of Shenzen Shiyan Public School (May 2015)
- Xi An CHINA – leading the IB Diploma Programme verification/authorisation process of Hanova International School (April -December 2014)
Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA– IB Diploma Programme consultation process of Tunku Kolej Kursiah (March 2013 -October 2015)
- Lahor PAKISTAN– IB Diploma Programme consultation process of Beaconhouse School System (March-December 2014 )
- SINGAPORE, 5 year review of Chatsworth International School (February 2014)
- MYANMAR- 5 year review report of Yangon International School
- INDONESIA– Cita Hati Christian School IB Diploma 5 year review
- Ulyanovsk, RUSSIA, providing IB Diploma Programme consultation process of Istochnik-Writers School visit October 2013
At the Writers’ School - Athens GREECE , May 2013 conducting unannounced final exam visits, May 2013
- Bedford, UK providing IB Diploma Programme 5 year review report, July 2013
- Istanbul, TURKEY, conduct IB workshop for school Category 1 Administrators, April 2013
- Antwerp, BELGIUM,IB Diploma Programme authorization/verification process and school visit of Antwerp British International School,February 2013
- London, UK. IB Diploma Programme, MYP,PYP evaluation process and school visit of Dwight School in London, January 2013

- Liverpool – U.K. – IB Diploma Programme authorization / verification process and school visit of North Liverpool Academy, May 2012
- Baku, AZERBAIJAN– IB Diploma Programme final exams unannounced inspections, May 2012
- Moscow, RUSSIA –IB Diploma Programme consultation process and school visit of School No 1404-Gamma Education Center, February 2012

- Madrid, SPAIN – IB Diploma Programme 5 year review and re-authorization of International College of Spain, December 2011
- Ellesmere UNITED KINGDOM– IB Diploma Programme 5 year review and reauthorization of Ellesmere College, November 2011
- Moscow RUSSIA – IB Diploma Programme 5 year review and reauthorization of 21st Century Integration International School, December 2011
- Nicosia & Larnaca CYPRUS – IB Diploma Programme final exams unannounced inspections , May 2011
- Ulm, GERMANY – IB Diploma Programme authorization process and school visit of International School of Ulm, February 2011
- Cairo, EGYPT – IB Diploma Programme school authorization process and school visit of The New Cairo British International School, November 2010

- Tbilisi, GEORGIA – IB Diploma Programme school authorization process and school visit of New School -International School of Georgia, May 2010
- Perm, RUSSIA- Preliminary school information visit on introduction of IB Diploma Programme School No 11, April 2009 (with Andrew BOLLINGTON)
- Istanbul ,TURKEY – Preliminary school information visit to evaluate IB DP preparations of Prof.M.Tarhan Social Sciences High School, June 2007 (with Nelida Antuna BARAGANO)
Projects completed on behalf of Tarsus American School (Mersin-TURKEY)
- Lead the 5 year self evaluation and re authorization of IB Diploma Programme process, January 2011
- Improve and restructure the IB Diploma Programme, reorganize the teacher trainings, increase the number of IB students from 1(one) to 30’s , reintroduce IB to the school community, June 2011
- Introduce and initiate the International Awards –Duke of Edinburgh Program at school. June 2010

Major projects completed on behalf of Yuce School (Ankara TURKEY)
1) Introduce from scratch to implement the IB Diploma Programme, including authorization to graduation of the first cohort of students in May 2009 (school visits conducted by Proserpina Dhlamini Fisher and Philip THOMAS from IBO)
2) Lead and introduce radical changes in the overall pedagogical approach towards international mindedness in the mono cultural environment. A) Convert the language of science and math courses instruction into English, B) Initiate long term teacher trainings, C) Conduct in house sessions for the staff, D) Lead a more inquiry and research based teaching, E) Initiate student development programs such as the International Awards –Duke of Edinburgh Program, Model United Nations, social services, F) Improve the premise and usage of the library, G) Promote overseas university placements at school.
3) Co lead the detailed full and rigorous institutional appraisal process of the I.F.C. / World Bank for the realization of multi-million $ school improvement project, May2005 (conducted by Ron PERKINSON, Walid NASR, Pablo VERRA from IFC)
4) Co lead the school evaluation and accreditation process of EAQUALS -European Association of Quality Language Services, October 2004 (inspections conducted by Ms.Ludka KOTARSKA)
5) Co lead the extensive preparations for NATO’s tender in Mons –BELGIUM, to establish a new international school to be located in Izmir TURKEY, March 2004
6) Contribute creating school mission, vision, values and institutional philosophy statements, organizing school promotion films, brochures and web site in dual languages. (With Birol TEKGIL – M&B Agency)
7) Opening of a whole brand new k-12 school campus, from its foundation stage. Establish entire teams and systems from scratch. Operate and manage a wide range of services to 2000 students and about 400 staff along with ongoing construction for more than 5 years.
IB kurumu adina yürüttüğüm projerin bazıları:
1. Xi An ÇİN HALK CUMHURIYETI– Honava Uluslararası Okulu, IB Diploma Programı yetkilendirme surecine liderlik (Nisan -Aralık 2014 )
2. Kuala Lumpur MALEZYA– Tunku Kolej kurumunun IB Diploma programı hazırlıkları danışmanlığı ve okul ziyareti, Mart 2014 den itibaren devam etmekte
3.Lahor PAKISTAN- Beaconhouse School System IB Diploma programı hazırlıkları danışmanlığı ve okul ziyareti, Mart-Aralık 2014
4. SINGAPORE, IB Bilgi Kurami (TOK) çalıştayı düzenlemek, Şubat 2014
5.Ulyanovsk, RUSYA- IB Diploma programı hazırlıkları danışmanlığı ve okul ziyareti, Ekim 2013
6.Atina, YUNANİSTAN- Mayıs 2013 IB Final Sınavları denetimleri , Mayıs 2013
7.Bedford, İNGİLTERE- IB Diploma Programı 5 yıllık değerlendirme süreci Temmuz 2013
8.Istanbul, TÜRKİYE- Türkiye okul yöneticileri IB Çalıştayı liderliği , Nisan 2013
9.Antwerp BELÇİKA, British International School of Antwerp’in IB Diploma Programı yeterlilik süreci ve okul ziyareti, Şubat 2013
10.Londra İNGİLTERE, Dwight School’un PYP/MYP/DP programları birleşik değerlendirme,yeniden yetkilendirme süreci ve okul ziyareti , Ocak 2013
11.Liverpool İNGİLTERE, North Liverpool Academy’nin IB Diploma Programı yetkilendirmesi süreci ve okul ziyareti, , Mayıs 2012
12.Baku AZERBAYCAN, Mayıs 2012 IB Diploma Programı final sınav denetimleri
13.Moskova RUSYA, Gamma Education Center School No 1404 kurumunun IB Diploma Programı danışmanlığı süreci ve okul ziyareti, Şubat -Eylul 2012
14.Madrid İSPANYA, International College of Spain’in IB Diploma Program 5 yıllık değerlendirme ve yeniden yetkilendirilmesi süreci, Kasım 2011
15.Ellesmere İNGİLTERE, Ellesmere College’in IB Diploma Program, 5 yıllık değerlendirme ve yeniden yetkilendirilmesi Kasım 2011
16.Moskova RUSYA, 21st Century Integration International School IB Diploma Programı, 5 yıllık değerlendirme ve yeniden yetkilendirilmesi süreci Aralık 2011
17.Larnaka ve Nicosia GÜNEY KIBRIS RUM CUMHURIYETİ– Mayıs 2011 IB Diploma Programı, final sınavları denetimleri
18.Ulm- ALMANYA, International School of Ulm kurumunun IB Diploma Programı yetkilendirilmesi süreci ve okul ziyareti, , Şubat 2010
19.Kahire MISIR – New Cairo British International School’un IB Diploma Programı yetkilendirilmesi süreci ve okul ziyareti,, Kasım 2010
20.Tiflis GÜRCİSTAN – New School-Int School of Georgia’nın IB Diploma Program yetkilendirilmesi süreci ve okul ziyareti , Mayıs 2010
21.Perm RUSYA – Türkiyedeki IB okullarını IBSA ulusal konferasında Rus Eğitim bakanı özel konuğu olarak temsil etmek. O zamanki IB bölge yöneticisi Andrew BOLLINGTON’un ardından ikinci konferans konuşmacısı, Nisan 2009,
22.İstanbul TÜRKİYE – Prf.M.Tarhan Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi IB Diploma Program ön bilgilendirme ziyareti Nelida Antuna BARAGANO ile birlikte, Mayıs 2007
TARSUS AMERIKAN KOLEJI bünyesindeki projelerim
- Uygulanmakta olan IB Diploma Programı işleyişinin yeniden yapılandırılması
- Okulun IB kurumundan 5 yıllık ek yetki alma sürecine (5 year review) liderlik etmek.
- Okul camiasına IB’yi yeniden etkin ve doğru olarak tanıtmak
- IB programında okuyan öğrenci sayısını 1(bir) den 30’lara çıkartmak.
- IB Bilgi Kuramı (Theory of Knowledge) ve felsefe derslerinde öğretmenlik yapmak.
- MEB ve IB Diploma müfredatlarinin işleyişi ile ilgili revizyon yapmak
- Zorunlu sosyal gelişim Creativity Action and Social Service (CAS) etkinliklerine liderlik etmek
- International Student Award-Duke of Edingbourg sosyal gelişim programının öğretmen ve öğrencilerce uygulanmasını başlatmak
YÜCE KOLEJİ bünyesindeyken yürüttüğüm projlerden bazıları
- Türkçe eğitim yapmakta olan liseye IB Diploma Programını tanıtmak, hazırlamak, IB yetkilendirme ve uygulama mezun verme ve kurum kültürünün değişim süreclerinin tümüne baştan sona pedogojik liderlik etmek
- Dünya Bankası/ IFC ‘nin milyon $ lık okul gelişimi destek kredisi denetimleri süreci
- Sosyal gelişim ve toplum hizmeti etkinlikleri CAS (Creativity-Action and Social Services) geliştirme ve uygulamalarına ve kurum genelinde kabul görürlüğünü sağlamak