It is that time of the year once again. What ever we call it. To pause and consider what is truly worthwhile. Merry Christmas for those who celebrate. Happy Hanukkah for those who celebrate. Healthy, happy, joyful, prosperous new year to all.
May the new year bring empathy, love and eventually more peace to the whole world.
Warm regards..
İşte bir yılın daha sonuna geliyoruz. Verilen ismi ne olursa olsun kutlayanlara mutlu noeller. Her birimize sağlıklı, mutlu, neşeli ve bereketli bir yıl olsun.
Yeni yıl tüm dünyaya, empati, sevgi ve barış getirsin…
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I am an international education improvement leader specialized with IB Diploma Programme. Pedagogical leader of changes and visionary school administrator. I help schools to introduce, implement and also improve their IB Diploma Programme by consulting, trainings that I offer and with my leadership.
My international educational leadership skills are acknowledged by my appointment in the team of IB Diploma authorization visits in Europe, Africa and the Middle Eastern counties and also in Asia Pacific. As an IB recognized Diploma Programme educator, I have participated in the authorization and consultation of many schools all located in various parts of the world. On behalf of the IB organization I prepared reports on DP 5 year evaluation self-studies.
I have a genuine interest in broadening the horizons of the young people that we educate and contribute improving the overall quality of the education institutes that I take my part in the admin team. As details can be seen below I keep on attending several professional development programs, including the Principals' Training Center.
Many students and teachers with whom I had the chance to work closely with, certainly managed to change their lives for the much better and improved themselves a great deal . I can proudly say that, the same thing applies to the schools that I took part in the leadership teams.
With great enthusiasm I teach IB Theory of Knowledge and philosophy. As a world citizen coming from a natural transition area in between the western world and the east, I have acquired a strong intercultural sensitivity.
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